Sunday Afternoon Micheladas

8 Aug

Using what we already have in the fridge, we each made a michelada to order.

Lisa’s version:
2/3 beer (Sierra Nevada Pale Ale)
1/3 Knudson’s spicy very veggie juice
couple-10 splashes of Tabasco
couple grinds of pepper

Boo’s version:
1/3 beer (Sierra Nevada Pale Ale)
2/3 Knudson’s spicy very veggie juice
couple-10 grinds of pepper

I like the spice of the Tabasco– makes my lips and gums burn.  Boo likes the spicy of the vegetable juice, so he uses more.  Both are yummy and refreshing.  This afternoon we bought Pearl beer at Wheatsville Co-op.  We’ll be experimenting with that tonight.

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